Weekly Event Listings by Email

From: $2.99 / month

Never miss another event.  Our weekly event emails will keep you abreast of the events you want to attend within the travel distance you specify.

We have 3 subscription options for you.

  • Monthly Subscription (billed at $2.99 every month)
  • Six Month Subscription (billed at $14.99 – that’s $2.50 per month)
  • Annual Subscription (billed at $23.99 – that’s $1.99 per month)

SKU: 0030 Category:


Our email program was designed from the ground up for Enthusiasts who want to be sure they don’t miss any events.

The program provides you with an email of the events you want to attend within the travel distance you specify. Choose your home zip code or your office zip code and your emails will contain a list of only those events within a radius (30, 60, 90 or 120 miles) you define.


  • On Monday, you’ll receive an email with a list of events for the next 7 days (Monday to Sunday).
  • On Friday morning, you’ll get another email with a list of the events for the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) that will include events that have been added since Monday’s email was sent.
  • From April 1 until October 31, because so many events are happening, you'll also get an additional "reminder" email on Saturday and Sunday mornings, with a list of events for each of those days. Though this might seem like overkill, we literally get 100’s of new events added every week – especially during “car season” – and sending a “reminder” email was one of last year’s most requested features by subscribers.

Additional information

Paid Recurring Subscription

Monthly, Semi-Annual (6 months), Annual (12 months) – save 33%

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