Cruisin’ on Main Returns for Another Season
The Manchester Cruisin’ Committee in partnership with the Town of Manchester is excited to announce that this year’s annual Cruisin’ on Main Car Show will be held on Sunday, August 4th, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (rain dates: August 11th or August 18th depending on weather).
Larry Ash who leads the Cruisin’ Committee along with the dedicated committee members and Calvin Harris, Senior Recreation Supervisor and Town Liaison have been organizing the committee and setting plans for another successful event.
In addition, the success of the show is always due in part by its sponsors and their charitable donations. Mark your calendar for August 4th and attend one of the largest one-day car shows in all New England. Whether you are showing a car or just attending to check out the cars, listen to great music, and/or enjoying a meal downtown, you cannot miss this great annual event.
Cost for the event is free to spectators and a $10 car show registration fee for those wishing to showcase their car. Sponsor’s Choice Trophies will be awarded, and dash plaques will be given to the first 700 cars.