Hurdle 2024 is a shortest distance Road Rally presented by the New England Region of the Sports Car Club of America. Think of a shortest distance event as a Scavenger Hunt on wheels. Teams will get a map of Connecticut and a list of approximately 15 questions. Questions refer to locations on the map. After locating/marking these locations on the map, the teams plot what they believe will be the shortest route to visit each location and answer the questions. The team that answers the most questions correctly in the least number of miles wins!
Each team consists of a minimum of a Driver and a Navigator. 1 additional team member over the age of 16 is allowed.
Hurdle 2024 starts at Southington Drive In (995 Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike, Southington, CT Online Registration via Mail in form available on the NER RX/Rally Schedule Page:
Questions?? Contact Jon & Kelli Lamkins at ;
Phone 860-620-4839.
Entry Fee: $55 for SCCA member and past Hurdle competitors.
$75 for non-SCCA Members