Join us Saturday, December 14th from 9am – Noon for our FREE Car Show!
Everyone who loves cars or has a car to show is welcome and admission is FREE! Our PLAYSCAPE, CAROUSEL, and TRAIN will be open for the kids to enjoy! This is a fun event for all ages! We will have breakfast items, sweet treats, coffee, and hot chocolate for sale. Invite your friends and bring your family to our FAMILY CHRISTMAS CAR SHOW!
There is no entry fee and there are several chances for show car owners to win cash prizes. Show Car owners have a chance to win ONE $100 drawing and FOUR $50 drawings.
Best in Show will win $200! Our Christmas Car Show prizes for decorated cars will be: $200 for Best Decorated, $100 for Runner Up Best Decorated, and 4 $50 Honorable Mentions.
For more details about the show please email
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