The Not Fast Foundation, S10 Addictions and 302 Performance would like to invite you to our 3rd Annual Spring Car Show. There will be Great food, Live music performed by The Jokers, vendors, awesome cars, trucks, mobile Dyno, 2step contest, Audio contest and more! As always, raffle Tickets will be given to the participants and a cash prize will be awarded during the awards ceremony.
$15 per car, $15 per vendor, free for spectators.
•Top 12 cars will be awarded Trophies
•1 Grand Champion trophy will be awarded
• Forever 16 Award (in Memory of Ethan Woodward)
• Pete's Pick (in Memory of Pete Gurnick)
• Least Likely to get home Award
• Regular Traffic Award
• (TBD amount) Sponsor picks will be picked by the sponsors
• Kids Class: (free registration)
All children ride ons, bikes, wagons, powerwheels, ect... are welcome and first 10 registered children will get a trophy (must stay parked either next to the parents car or near the pavilion.
Contact Andrew Holden about sponsoring a Trophy and choosing the winner of that trophy at the event.
Contact Andrew Holden about becoming a vendor. (Vendors MUST arrive and be parked by 9:30am as i will have the road blocked off to ALL traffic other than show vehicles)