Time - Noon-4pm
Registration for vehicles - $10
Spectators - Free
Location - Osborne Park, 38575 Lakeshore Blvd, Willoughby
What to Expect - Awesome vehicles from all over Ohio and other states, DJ, Dash plaques, goodie bags, Awards, 50/50, Chinese Auction, Vendors and more!!
Money raised helps support our veterans by donation to the Greater Cleveland Fisher House.
There is no Pre-Registration. The registration form is available at our registration table. It is also available in advance on the back of the flyers we hand out and will be made available to download and print out for your convenience to pre-fill it speeding up your registration time.
The Roar was never a city operated event, but we work with the cooperation and support of the city.
The Roar was formed in 2016 by a team of individuals from MOL (Mentor-on-the-Lake) with support from friends and family who wanted to hold a Labor Day Car Show and use it as a fundraiser to help support our veterans. Thanks to support and partnership with Willoughby in 2024, this event is now located at beautiful Osborne Park and still ran by the same team of people.
With your help, we continue to grow each year. Don't miss your chance to be part of the Roar!
If your vehicle makes you proud, show it to our crowd!
More details to arrive in the coming months.