Car-related car parts Swap Meet & Car Show.
Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building Parking Lot
1351 Maple Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Booth fees:
$30 per vehicle
$50 for Truck and Trailer.
Car Show fees:
Vehicle $10
Car for Sale $20
Must be off property by 2 p.m.
Dash Plaques for the first 50 show cars.
Food shall be available from a local Food truck.
Proceeds benefit the American Diabetes Association and other local charities.
Scam disclaimer: Scams have been on the rise, where folks will post a comment stating you can buy vendor spaces from them directly. This is a scam. We do not pre-sale spaces, nor handle sales with a specific individual. Any selling occurs from our website,, or in-person on the day of the event.